I visit these websites since I entered to the University, because it's
very common that teachers show us references to help us in our projects, I
visit this website every time when I need inspiration or ideas for develop my
projects or simply when the teachers ask for it.
I like these pages very much, because almost always have photographs, plans, schemas, a short but concise
description, data sheet that indicates the year of project, address, the architects until to the square meters. But I like the most, is the high quality of photographs.
I really recommend that you visit these webpages, you can find awesome things and project, I share with you the two links; (https://www.archdaily.com/) and https://www.plataformaarquitectura.cl/cl,
I really wait that you like these pages!
hello, I also like these pages for the quality of the photographs, mainly the planimetries, because in other pages the quality is bad jajaj.
ResponderBorrarI think that plataform is very helpful. I am not studing Architecture, but I am curious to navegate in this web.